National Geographic Serbia photography contest 2023 - "People" category winner
India People Pushkar Nat Geo Serbia National Geographic
Meditation and work
My favorite producer of the sweet delight, Kheer. Hours of patience and presence are required to make Kheer, without scorching the milk. Every other second it needs to be mixed to prevent it from burning until fully reduced. Following his routine, I understood how he, managed to transform, that simple looking job and that perseverance, into mediation and presence. A product whose taste is truly sweet.
Posao i meditacija
Pushkar, Indija. 
Moj omiljeni proizvođač slatke poslastice od mleka, najverovatnije Kheera. Brojni sati i prisutnost su potrebni da se Kheer napravi, bez da mleko zagori. Svako malo treba mešati. Prateći njegovu istu rutinu nedeljama, shvatio sam kako je on, taj naizgled jednostavan posao i tu predanost, transformisao u meditaciju i prisutnost. Proizvod čiji je ukus odista sladak.

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